New Moon Solar Eclipse: Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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Today is a very important day for me. It is my first published blog. The significance behind this, is that I have been writing off and on for about 20 years.  And, during those 20 some odd years, I have often dreamed of sharing my work, but it never seemed to happen. I always asked myself, “Am I ready?”. Of course, the repetitive answer was a resounding “No!”.

The days, weeks, months and years coming up to this date, I have had a voice in my head playing the same recording over and over.  It was telling me all the reasons I wasn’t ready.  What if my name changed in the future, and I had to completely re-do everything or start all over?  What if I had no pictures to insert to make my blog beautiful and perfect?  I think you get the picture. I was worrying about the final result and plagued with self-doubt.  And, after all, I was busy with:   work, kids, a fiancé’, and home.  What more did I really need to accomplish? At this point my life had already appeared to be filled with great accomplishments.  I have a wonderful family.  My career has always kept me busy, always working.  I easily moved up the corporate ladder at different companies  So, I can honestly say I have had a seemingly successful life. But, here’s the catch, it has also been a life of standing on the sidelines.  I have been conveniently hiding behind my kids, friends, lovers, and peers. I have felt comfortable there…safe. Of course I wasn’t ready, right?

About six months ago, I was doing my typical search for the meaning of life and finding my purpose, and the clue to being “ready”.  During my research, I came across a video series by Mastin Kipp.  I had been following him for some time and found his story to resonate with me.  So, in between my work duties and the normal daily grind, I would plug in my headphones to my phone and try to catch a few nuggets of wisdom.  On one particular recording, that I no longer have access to, Mastin was talking about the idea of, “do it messy, but do it now”.  I am not sure who originally coined the phrase or idea, but that one phrase started an escalation of events that has forever since changed my life.  You see,  what I have discovered in the last six months is that asking ourselves if we are ready is the wrong question. Because, we are never 100% ready. Who even knows what being ready means? For me, personally, I have been plagued with belief systems like:   I always need more education,  I need to research more, or I am just not qualified.  I won’t go into detail about all the epiphanies I have had and belief changes I have made to change my idea of “being ready”, but the changes definitely started on that fateful day.

I also don’t want to give the idea that that all the endless hours of research and writing over 20 years has been a waste. With all my research on various topics, I have amassed a wealth of knowledge that has been shared with everyone in my personal life, even to the annoyance of some. And, that attempt to serve others with my gifts has been very personally rewarding. During that time, I was glad to assist the people I loved. But deep down there has always been a stirring that I constantly denied.  I have known for a very long time that I needed to share this information on a much broader level.

So, here we find ourselves on this new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius on February 15, 2018. And, what a day it is.  New moons are the start of a fresh new cycle of creative and emotional energies. And, in numerology, today’s date adds up to 19, which represents the Prince of Heaven, and, according to ancient Chaldean priests, is named after the Sun. I couldn’t find myself a more perfect day to begin the first day of the rest of my life. For me it is an omen. You see, the sign of Aquarius is identified with terms such as:  unique, visionary, revolutionary, detached, philosophical, humanitarian, rebellious, inner genius, a search for freedom.  While the Sun identifies with the individual in all its perfection and brings life, creativity, and light to the darkness. I won’t go further into a lot of Astrological jargon.  The most important takeaway of this symbolism, is that today is a day for not just me, but all of us to abruptly start something new, to dive deep into our minds and our intellect and revolt against the norm.  Be rebellious against those old beliefs that have held us all stagnate for far too long.  Be creative!! Ask yourself, “What are my dreams?”.  You may have thought they were lost, but they aren’t.  Today is a magical day.  This new moon is saying, “No more“, “The gig is up“. Stand up and take your place front and center and take that leap of faith. This new moon in Aquarius begs that we all set our own intentions as individuals on a soul led journey. I know this can be frightening, but on the other side of healthy fear there is always something phenomenal.

When I heard the words, “do it messy, but do it now”, it hit me hard, and it felt scary, but I immediately started shifting my life in the direction of my heart and soul. I started simple. That very day, I created a Facebook page after I thought of a name that sounded like me, and voila, just like that, YoGipsy was born. I did it, and it was messy. That small effort was very exciting.  Then slowly fear and self-doubt started coming back.  It said things like,  “you don’t know enough” “When will you have the time?”.  But the words I learned that day never left me.  This January, I decided I was going to make some real changes.  I sat down and prayed and meditated and asked God to take those doubts from me and to show me synchronicity’s and messages that I could hear clearly with my mind or feel in my heart.  I needed wisdom that would gently persuade my mind to change.  I asked for the courage to take one step every day in the right direction.

Sometimes we can hear a message over and over again, and it doesn’t take.  All you have to do is go within for the answers.  Ask God, your Source, your Higher Power to give you a message in a way you can hear it, and then be silent.  Just don’t ask if you are ready.  Some better questions you could ask yourself are:  Who am I?  What am I passionate about?  What ignites a fire in my belly?.  What can I do today that will speak to my soul?  “What one thing can I do today that will keep me on my soul led path?” And, while you are waiting on your soul led answer, there are a lot of things you can do to get started on your soul led journey that don’t cost any money.  Is there an application you could fill out, an inspirational YouTube you could listen to, a random stranger that you could strike up a conversation with in the grocery store, a smile you could offer to someone for no reason, a phone call you could make, or a thank you letter you could write?  The suggestions are truly endless.

I know this new life is going to be full of ups and downs. It is not for the faint of heart, but it will be thrilling all the same. If you have a vision (Aquarius), take some time to really clear the clutter form your mind, and be accepting of what is coming your way.  Be the person you are meant to be.  An individual, searching for freedom, with detachment from the naysayers but also connection to your hearts desires. Embrace your individualism.  A true call to purpose defines the meaning of faith and unconditional love. Love is not co-dependency. It is instead about detachment but with meaningful connection. Don’t care about what anyone thinks!  Do it for yourself.  Remember, we are eternal souls, and we need to live in this beautiful moment fully.  Be without worry.  Be a risk taker and break out of old patterns.  Be unique, tap into your inner genius, and do this all with compassion and kindness.

It is never too late to dream and reach for the stars.  You are capable of anything you put your mind to, but always lead with your heart.

Just, do it now!  And, do it messy!



Please walk with me on a soul journey, where we use our inner guidance system, our intuition, and we allow God to speak to us.


I hope my words have helped you in some way.  If you would like to join my facebook page, please use the link below.

Here is to the beginning of YoGipsy. Cheers!


1 thought on “New Moon Solar Eclipse: Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

  1. That was so beautifully stated!! Why do we hold ourselves prisoners in a cell of our own making when we hold the key to freedom…??? Yes! Today is a day of letting others be free and make the choices that make them happy because their life is not about me! I make my daily decisions to be passionate and happy and energizing to the people God surrounds me with! There is power 💪🏼 in letting go!! Cheers to crazy messy new beginnings!!! 💞💪🏼💟

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